Project DARYA based on the Technical College

Within the framework of implementation of the international project DARYA on the basis of the Technical College of the Akimat of Astana, a meeting of delegates from Central Asia took place with the participation of the European Education Fund and representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The participants of the meeting highly appreciated the organization of this event at the Technical College, took part in master classes on several areas of training. The event also addressed such important issues as retraining, mechanisms for cooperation of national trainers, establishment of common standards – regionally recognized qualifications and strengthening training of trainers. Delegates spoke in favour of enhancing regional cooperation on youth opportunities.

DARYA is a project implemented by the European Education Fund, a specialized agency of the European Union. The European Education Fund is a European Union agency that supports countries in reforming their education, training and labour market systems. The European Education Fund currently works with 28 partner countries, mainly in the context of the enlargement of the European Union and the Neighbourhood Policy.

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